mardi 30 août 2016

How to upgrade Lumia 920 to Windows 10 Mobile (OS build 10.0.14383.67)

After spending a total of about 4-5 hours (including download times on my internet connection), I finally managed to get my Lumia 920 on the Windows Insider Fast ring for the latest Windows 10 Mobile builds. It's a tedious process, and requires at least 40GB of free space. The tools you will need are WPInternals, a backup of the Windows Phone 8.1 .ffu for your specific model just in case (I would say this is optional, although I can't guarantee this will work in the future), a Windows 7/8/10 computer, USB cable, and This rom by werty100. I have tested this only on the AT&T RM-820, although since I have ran RM-821 roms and firmware on my device it should hopefully work for other 920 variants.

*DISCLAIMER* Your warranty is now void if you modify your phone. I'm not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed.

Make sure you have an unlocked bootloader using WPInternals. Download and flash the Windows 10 10.0.10586.36 rom I linked earlier in the post, and follow this post here on how to get it to properly boot. Feel free to set it up and sign into your accounts, get all the apps downloaded that you wish. Afterwards, use WPInternals to boot your phone into Mass Storage mode. While that's booting to mass storage, on your computer plug your phone in with the USB cord and open up Regedit.exe.

Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in Regedit, then go to File --> Load Hive. Select SYSTEM from the path of E:\Windows\system32\config. Name it something like Phone_System. The path might differ from the letter E. Open Phone_System --> Platform --> DeviceTargetingInfo. Click on the file of PhoneManufacturerModelName, and change it to: RM-1085_113025. Next change PhoneModelName from Lumia 920 to Lumia 950. Lastly, edit PhoneHardwareVariant and change it to RM-1085. Click on Phone_system again, go to File --> Unload Hive.

Next hold the Volume Down and Power button simultaneously until you see the Nokia splash screen. Wait for it to boot, launch Windows Insider and select Insider Fast, and reboot and then check for updates. It should download everything properly, take about 30 minutes once it goes to install and then will reboot. The screen may go black here and there while booting but don't worry, it will boot fine. Congrats, you are on the latest build! It may be a tiny bit buggy at first but after using it for an hour or so everything will be very smooth.

Attached Thumbnails
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from xda-developers

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