dimanche 25 septembre 2016

I need a working (RUU 3.18 JellyBean) update for AT&T HTC One X (Avita)

Does anyone have or can host a working link for the Evita JB RUU update? I've looked at many posts on these forums and all the links are bad now.

File name is:
RUU_EVITA_UL_JB_45_S_Cingular_US_3.18.502.6_Radio_ 0.24p.32.09.06_10.130.32.34

Here are the links I've found on here but they are all broken so if you find these and paste them here it unfortunately wont help:
http://ift.tt/2cE7rKT Main site gone now
http://ift.tt/1FeDh4W XDA compilation rollup post, all links I've found to JB 3.18 are dead
http://ift.tt/2cE8c6J HTC OTA and RUU collection - 3.18 links to a non existent page.

I did find a working link for the OTA version but I'm assuming I need the RUU one? Anyone still have a working link?

from xda-developers http://ift.tt/2dboUrC

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