samedi 30 avril 2016

S3 9300 bootloop and not reconised by pc HELP PLZ?

hi all first im sorry for my english

i have s3 gti 9300 just bootoop in Samsung logo
so when i try to flash rom and when i go to dowbload mod i have these (power reset or unknown upload mode) i don't know what is that ????????

but if i try many time i can accesse to download mode
the probleme is that when i plug the usb in pc he don't reconize the s3 and i have these (device descriptor request failed)

and befor it connect with pc without problem,,,, and i have other sumsung tha connect without probleme
so i think the driver or cable are not the probleme
i can accsesse to recovery but there is not install zip to install rom from sd card

any help plz

from xda-developers

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