mardi 31 mai 2016

Storage 54Go instead of 64?

Hi everyone !

So I've got a oneplus one (64Go internal memory), that I just upgraded from my custom ROM to marshmallow. I tried the stock one, then a custom cm13 based one from sultanxda, that I used with the private kernel of derromtester, and I had several fun experiences. However there is something that I don't like, whalich is that in this custom ROM raw camera and slow shutter are not permitted due to the oxygenOS library. Meanwhile I arrived to a very nice configuration of my application data and of my parameters. I thought of dirty flashing the stock ROM (it will erase all the way I personalised my home screen, the screen resolution and all that stuff right ? Does titanium backup change anything to it ?).

Anyway I wanted to make a backup in case Ilit didn't go well. However, I couldn't! Whereas I should have had like 14 Go of free memory, I had like 14 only... And it seems like my storage is only 54Go now, and not 64 anymore. The computer sees the same in mtp mode. Where are those 10Go gone ??

Long story short, 10Go of my memory vanished and I have no idea why and where...

Thanks for your answers !

from xda-developers

6.0.1 CF Auto-root having difficulties entering Private Mode

Hey guys, I successfully rooted my phone and now I'm having troubles entering my private mode.

After googling for this and stuff, most people say its xposed framework or delvic(sp?) or ART issues but neither of these are on my phone so I'm pretty clueless here.
Anyone got any suggestions?

from xda-developers

LG G5 supported gamepad/s

I know, do close to launch, it's difficult finding reviews and threads on support of third party accessories etc. My question is, "Has anyone successfully paired a gamepad (wired or wireless) to the LG G5? If so, what was your method?
I have had bad luck with rooting and bricking devices in the past, so I've avoided methods involving root access (regardless of whether rooting is available so close to launch). My first attempt was with a dualshock PS3 DS3 controller and an otg cable. Red lights blinked continuously, but no response. My second attempt was with a PS4 controller. Slightly better success. I was able to pair this wirelessly without root (holding playstation and share button momentarily). The result was a successful pair, but no UI response, much less any success on emulated games. It should be noted I did not get any response with an otg cable here as well.
I also tried these methods with a variety of Google Play apps, with similar results.

from xda-developers

Help! No 911?

Ok so on my way home from work tonight I seen a guy wreck his motor cycle into a median at about 70 mph. First thing I thought was oh my God this dude just effing killed himself. Second was s#*t call 911. As I'm running to help the guy I'm trying to call 911 and it shows up emergency call but ends call immediately. Over and over. I'm freaking out trying to get to this guy and can't even call for help. I had to Google the city police station number and call them. What seemed like forever was probably only about 4 or 5 minutes, but might have made a difference. This was at 1130 pm and no one else around to help. Can someone please help me fix this?
S4 m919 rooted running resurrection remix 6.0.1
I will attach a screen shot because I don't know much about the specs.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version Name: Screenshot_20160601-010418.png Views: N/A Size: 108.3 KB ID: 3768541   Click image for larger version Name: Screenshot_20160601-010428.png Views: N/A Size: 109.8 KB ID: 3768542  

from xda-developers

Xposed on Alcatel 5040N/5040W One Touch FiERCE XL WORKS!

This will require SuperSU, if you have not acquired SuperSU on this device yet I suggest you go head over to my tutorial here:

You will also need to register for FlashFire BETA here:

Once you opt-in to be a beta tester download FlashFire from the Google Play Store.

Now, let's get started.

1) Download Xposed.rar from attachments below and extract the folder to THE ROOT OF YOUR INTERNAL STORAGE

2) Install the Xposed 3.0 Alpha 4 apk from the provided archive you just put on your internal storage.

3) Open up FlashFire, allow SuperSU, then scroll down to the "+" button and click "flash ZIP or OTA"

4) Navigate to the "" and select it

5) Leave Auto-mount UNCHECKED and please UNCHECK Mount /system read/write or it will not flash properly

6) After instructions are followed, please press the checkmark button in the top right-hand corner

7) Scroll down the menu and click the lightning bolt icon

Once clicked it should mount the emulated recovery, it'll go black for a moment and then you will see it writing Xposed to the system. Shortly after it will reboot. It should now be "updating apps", will take at least 5 minutes to complete! If it does get stuck at the splash screen do not worry. Give it at least 2 minutes and then power off and on, it will then complete the rest of the process!

When you're successfully booted, navigate over to your Xposed app and have a look! We've got Xposed BABY!

Attached Files
File Type: rar Xposed.rar - [Click for QR Code] (4.16 MB)

from xda-developers

Help Rooting and installing CM 13 Boost Mobile LG G Stylo

I am attempting to root, and install TWRP on my mom's Boost Mobile LG G Stylo (LG LS770) and hopefully have it installed with CyanogenMod 13. I could go for Resurrection Remix or another CyaongenMod based ROM but it NEEDS to be Android 6.0 or above. I am more of a Samsung person, so I am a little afraid to heck things up. Here's the catch, its on Android 6.0 now, and I think this may be an issue. If I need to roll back to an earlier version, I would be willing to do so.

from xda-developers

Nexus 5 D820 and Samsung Galaxy grand prime g530p

So I'm looking for info on were to find slim line no bloat ware android system I looked at cyanogen mod it does not support the galaxy grand prime and for the nexus 5 I did not see it listed so were can I find the latest vr of stock android or cyangen mod for both phones

Sent from my SM-G530P using Tapatalk

from xda-developers

how to autoplay music when bluetooth connected???

im using android M

from xda-developers

can't get root. missing a step?

bought sunshine, have s-off.
read a bunch.
took forever to get adb drivers working on windows. got them working.

followed guide on site to try and flash twrp on phone. i put the .img file in c:\adb folder which has adb and fastboot files. i can get the cmd line inputs to boot phone into bootloader. here's the cmd results.

C:\adb>adb reboot bootloader

C:\adb>fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
target reported max download size of 1826418688 bytes
sending 'recovery' (20046 KB)...
OKAY [ 2.152s]
writing 'recovery'...
OKAY [ 0.725s]
finished. total time: 2.878s

C:\adb>fastboot reboot

finished. total time: 0.013s

the phone reboots and then i try titaniumbackup but it says i don't have root still.

what step(s) did i miss?:confused:

from xda-developers

another Hardbricked moto-g 2014 during marshmellow update

My moto-g titan hard-bricked while upgrading to Marshmellow 6. Previously I had reverted to kitkat from marshmellow ( thanks for smoothness in marsh!), it worked but n/w problem was quite annoying in kitkat version. So I used the system update to upgrade to lollipop; worked. But then those evil "system update for marsh found" alert dwell around a bit. Brainwashed, then lollipop to marshmellow again; then it broke.

I tried blankflash as well, not working as it was probably for Moto G falcon.

I have read somewhere that Qualcomm Snapdragon chipsets disallow to recover from hard-brick for good bucks and we have to get new board. But in nepal, we dont have Moto support. I had a quite lengthy process while buying it; flipkart to some guy on India and thenafter the box shipped to nepal.

Any way I could repair this? Or can I buy the board somewhere and get it shipped to Nepal?

from xda-developers

SM-T217S bad battery?

Currently have an SM-T217S (galaxy tab) that was once woking but now will not powerup or charge. While plugged in the on screen battery comes up but never gains a charge as it shows only a grey battery with a circle in the center. Once unplugged it shuts down. Is this an unavoidable battery replacement fix?

from xda-developers



from xda-developers

Fire TV questions

1. Which model should I get for easiest/maximum hacking ability?
2. I have a Fire TV Stick that I am waiting to root. Is it worth getting a Fire TV 4K box if I don't have a 4k tv (again with hackability in mind)? Is it more hackable and/or easier to maintain than the Stick?
3. What firmware version is rootable on the Fire TV 4K?

from xda-developers

Accidentally deleted system partition on Android one

I have a micromax canvas a1. I accidently deleted the system partition. It now strucks with the micromax logo.I have twrp recovery and it shows ' no os installed ' while trying to reboot. How a stock firmware can be flashed ?? Pls help
Thanks in advance

from xda-developers

please help me

i want change theme in my android 5.1 intex aqua ace rooted phone please help me

from xda-developers

List of my tutorials (updated to 01/06/2016)

Hello guys al my tuts are for all cm based and stock roms :p

I would like to list my tutorials at one place... that helps me and every one to find :p

Guide Tut basics

[Guide Dev][Smali DIY] How to Switch, Checkbox, Seekbar,ListPreferences Preferences

[Guide][tut] New Seekbar preferences for new mods

[Guide]Add seekbar preferences code to settings

[Tut][Mod] How to remove album as default from Camera and Photos/video widget

Navigation Bar

[Guide][tut] [Enable/Disable] Navigation bar Tint ( depends on app material )

[Guide][tut][MM] Navigation bar resize ( height and width )

[Guide][tut]Navigation Bar Resize (resize only portrait/landscape)

[Guide][tut] Enable/Disable Navigation Bar Swipe to sleep/Lock

[Guide][tut][Updated 21/JAN/15] Show/Hide 3 Dot Menu (on nav bar)

Status Bar /Lock screen/ Qs panel

[Guide][tut] [MM] Clock and Date mods (align,font and more)

[guide][tut] Clock and Date mods for 5.x + (font,color,alignment,format & more )

[Guide][tut] Weather on Lockscreen ( RR prop )

[Guide][tut][Updated 21/JAN/15] Show/Hide Brightness Slider on notification Quick settings

[Guide][tut][Updated 21/JAN/15] Show/Hide Album art

[Guide][MOD] Network Traffic 4.x to 5.x (turn on/off, color, Display unit and more)

[Guide][tut] HeadsUp timeOut settings

[APP][No xposed / No root] HeadsUp Mods for sony devices


[Guide][tut] AOKP System animations (Xperia devices ) 5.x +

[Guide][tut] Animations Speed (Transition/windows/duration) control

Framework mods

[Guide][tut] Volume keys move cursor control

[Guide][tut] Add logo and info at upgrading dialog box

[Guide/Tut]Adding 5 way reboot menu lollipop


[Guide][tut]Add switches for dashboard items (wifi/bluetooth/mobile network)

[Guide][tut] SystemApp remover (from 2.x to 5.x and above )

[Guide][tut] Add changelog to your settings of your own rom

I will try to add 2 tuts every week (depend on my free time)

from xda-developers

Zenfone 2 Tauri Wallet Case + Magnet mod to auto sleep/wake!

I bought this case without realizing it didn't come with an auto-sleep/wake feature... so I modded it and added the feature myself with a spare magnet!

I've attached a few photos to this thread, the fourth photo shows the bump where I shoved the magnet (in the bottom-right corner of the ID pocket).
Check out my Google Photos album for all the pictures I took, with a few comments on the process:

Amazon item name: ZenFone 2 Case, Tauri [Stand Feature] Wallet Leather Case with Stand, ID & Credit Card Pockets Flip Cover For ASUS ZenFone 2 - Black
$10 on Amazon (as of date of posting)

How to do this yourself with almost any case:
Step 1: Find a suitable magnet. I procured mine from an old Zune HD case!

Step 2: Find the correct orientation for the magnet. Use masking tape to keep it in place temporarily. Open and close the case to make sure it works reliably!

Step 3: Adhere the magnet to the case, preferably under a layer of fabric/leather so you don't scratch your phone. Use a good adhesive, sew it into the case, or find a way to get it wedged in good and tight. Get creative! With this particular case, the magnet fit nice and snug in the corner of the ID window, right where it needed to be. No adhesive, cutting, or sewing required!

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version Name: Zenfone2TauriCase06.jpg Views: N/A Size: 252.9 KB ID: 3768516   Click image for larger version Name: Zenfone2TauriCase02.jpg Views: N/A Size: 243.6 KB ID: 3768517   Click image for larger version Name: Zenfone2TauriCase08.jpg Views: N/A Size: 256.8 KB ID: 3768518   Click image for larger version Name: Zenfone2TauriCaseMAGNET_BUMP.jpg Views: N/A Size: 252.6 KB ID: 3768519  

from xda-developers

No SD card after update to 6.0

Hi! I have updated my P8lite to Android 6.0 using Huawei update.
Now it says I don't have a SD card anymore.
I have read that marshmallow can make your SD act like internal storage, but the phone storage is ~10 gb and the SD is about 64 gb.
So, how can I get my (hopefully not blank) SD card back?

from xda-developers

Recreate small DPI setting of Android N in Marshmallow (help?)

so after using Android N for about a week, I certainly love the dpi setting the most! I was able to make everything look smaller with a single touch! (well done google). Anyways, truth is, N is still in beta stages, so using it as a daily driver is a NO-NO for now... I went back to Marshallow and now I want to set my phone at the same DPI as that 'small screen size' setting did, the problem is that i cant find the exact value .. tried many different values and it just doesnt feel the same.... so it is simple, would any of you great people happen to know the exact DPI value for the 'small screen size' setting for N so i can change it with an app on marshmallow ? THANKS!

from xda-developers

Service mode for SM-N920A

Hi Everyone,

Need help. I've been trying so hard to access my Note 5's Service mode to try and test if my Fingerprint scanner is working (as I keep on getting the dreaded error whenever I try to access Fingerprints) but to no avail. I keep getting Connection problem or invalid MMI code error message no matter what code I try. Any suggestions? I'm using this phone in the Philippines by the way with a non AT&T sim card. My phone is not rooted.

Thanks in advance for your help!

from xda-developers

Gallery app for moto g4 plus

there is no default gallery app installed on Moto g4 plus. It comes with Google photos app. Can any one upload the gallery app which used yo be there in Android jellybean. I have tried to install Apk file from Android 4.3 but got an error "error parsing the file" does anyone have gallery app compatible with this device which will not show any ads?

from xda-developers

Camera gone/delete

How to install new stock sony camera on xperia z lollipop.?

Sent from my C6603 using XDA-Developers mobile app

from xda-developers

Huawei Y6 SCL_L01 Softbricked?

Hi guys, i got the Huawei Y6 SCL-L01 phone and i wanted to install a custom rom, so i tried to install TWRP first, but since there wasn't a Y6 version (there isn't a Y6 version for anything pf :( ) i used the P8 version and it installed but when it rebooted the phone was stuck at a screen that say FASTBOOT & RESCUE MODE. The phone seems to be unlocked according to that screen but the FRP is loocked.

Things i've tried so far

Installed ADB latest version, extracted Recovery Cust System and Boot images from an official stock ROM.
Tried all available drivers from Google TP_Link and Intel for my phone.

The screen i am stuck does not work with ADB commands, the device is not recognized.
Fastboot commands work and it sees the device correctly, the problem is every time i try to flash the images from the stock rom i get FAILED message due to FRP Lock.
Format userdata and cache doesn't work either.
Vol + / - and Power button combinations also have no effect, it only shows that screen regardless of what i press.
I've searched the web and the XDA forums extensively since this happened and tried every possible solution i could find even if it was meant for another device.. no luck.
And here's my question, how can i possibly remove the FRP lock by only using fastboot?

Please somebody help, i am like half a day away from decorating the wall with this piece of **** :p

PS: I am not able to upload screenshots, sorry about that.

from xda-developers

Device Unauthorized ADB

So i just flashed back to stock MOB30I and now I get "unauthorized" when going to adb devices. I updated sdk still nothing. I never got a prompt on the phone to allow the key. Ideas?

from xda-developers

unlimited tether figured out !

I figured it out ... I tried a couple of things like vpn and
Trying different mods but nothing seemed to work so ... I started looking at the t mobile app u use too checK your usage . I DELETED the Newest version and downloaded an old one tmobile app apk version ... started tethering some videos etc ... it showed i was using my regular data .... I even went online to check my usage to see if my eyes were deceiving me lol .... Its the TMOBILE APP .....DELETE THE APP NOW ! Oh .. i forgot too mention that i am on 5.1.1 ... i downgraded but i am going too test on marshmellow .... probably the darth rom . Let me k ow if u have any questions

from xda-developers

Anyone notice WiFi Dropping on OS 5?

I just recently updated my aftv gen 1 with The past 3 nights I've gone to my bedroom at night (location of the aftv) and saw the blinking orange light which indicates no network connection. This VERY RARELY ever happened on OS3. So I'm just wondering if it's a known issue of if I might need to look into this more.
BTW--it doesn't give me a hassle reconnecting, just a minor nuisance and so far hasn't dropped the connection while I'm using it.

from xda-developers

SuperSU on Alcatel 5040N/5040W One Touch FiERCE XL WORKS!

I have seen a lot of issues with soft bricking using SuperSU-Me and I have figured out the issue once and for all. Kingroot has been upset over the recent reputation attacks of their software and have disabled functionality of switching between Su applications. Just follow my steps and you'll be alright.

You're going to need a few files to get started, grab them from the attachment links at the bottom of this post.

1) Extract the mrw folder from "" and place it onto the root of your INTERNAL STORAGE


3) Once step 1&2 are complete, navigate to the play store and download "Terminal Emulator"

4)Open Terminal Emulator and type "su" without quotations and grant root access.

5) Next, type sh /storage/sdcard0/mrw/

6) The process will take a minute and have a few error messages, DO NOT BE WORRIED

7) Open the Supersu app that was just installed and update binary, this should have no issues as the other methods have proven faulty.

8)Reboot and enjoy

Reason I did this was so I can use Flashfire to hopefully install Xposed, I'll let you know how it goes!

from xda-developers

Will The Int'l Version Of the X Perf Come With VoLTE AND HD Voice??!!!

Does anyone know?! Please please let it come with both!!!!!!!!!

from xda-developers

Samsung S4 downgrade Android ver 5.0.1 to 4.4.4

My wife and I both have Samsung SGH-i337 S4 unlocked (not rooted) AT&T phones running 5.0.1 with KNOX ver 2.3, baseband ver i337ucugok2. We would both like to abandon 5.0.1 and go back to 4.4.4. A cell phone repair shop I frequent advised me that these phones cannot be downgraded to 4.4.4 because of the KNOX security. I've examined many threads on this site and others and cannot find precise discussion about the presence of KNOX and if or how it may thwart our desires to downgrade. Nor can I find precise discussion as to whether rooting the phones first is necessary.

Can I, in fact, downgrade the OS on these particular phones?
If so, do I need to root the phones first?
Is rooting required in order to prevent an OTA upgrade back to 5?
Or does KNOX knock me out of the box entirely?

Responses or pointers to the appropriate threads would be most appreciated.

from xda-developers

New welfare: For Apps&Games User Acquisition

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for your time! This is Leo Chao which is responsible for market-related matters in AppRB. AppRB is one of the best professional companies to provide User Acquisition service for Mobile Apps. We want to explore if we have any chance to do a cooperation to make your app more successful.

What we offer:
-- iOS&Google Play Top (NEW) Free Overall & Category Rank Burst Service;
-- iPhone Trending Searches Service;
-- iOS Keyword Searches Rank Optimization(ASO)Service.

For more details, would you mind on further emails? Waiting for your fast reply,never mind adding my Skype(leochao1126) OR mail(,looking forward to cooperation with you at an early date.

from xda-developers

How to solve sahara fail issue ???? plz help guyz

its been a month my ureka is hardbricked plz plz

from xda-developers

Samsung S7 G930FD lost ROOT

Hi everyone I am posting this thread to seek some help on how i can get my root back to my SAMSUNG S7 Flat.
I've tried searching threads on how to do it but i was unable to find the exact firmware with the same CSC version for my device.
I'm afraid that i could have my phone bricked if i flashed the firmware having different CSC version.

Can anybody give me a hand to fix this? I'm attaching all my phones info for details.
By the way i rooted my phone using CF root and lost it probably because of Samsung's Security Update.

PDA Version: G930FXXU1APD1
Bootloader Version: G930FXXU1APD1
CSC Version: G930FOLB1APD3

from xda-developers

[Review] Roidmi 2S Music Bluetooth Smart Car Charger

You may not know Roidmi. But you should know Xiaomi which famous with their affordable yet powerful smartphone. Roidmi company is backed by Xiaomi Technology, which invests in automotive intelligent devices. And here is their latest product – Roidmi 2S Smart Car Charger. It is not just a normal charger but loaded with lot goodies like Bluetooth music player, hands-free calls, navigation broadcasting and voice recognition. Sound great? Let's have a detail look on it…

  • Wirelessly transmit call and music from Bluetooth phone to the car FM stereo system
  • Bluetooth hands-free calls, enjoy your safe driving. You will not miss calls any more
  • Turn on voice recognition function, just say "Next song", "tell me a joke", "tell me the weather", you'll get it
  • Listen to massive high-quality network audio at anytime
  • Empty radio station scanning, intelligent background noise reduction
  • Unique elegant appearance design with a strong powerful chip

Package Content & Design
Roidmi 2S comes along with user manual in a simple packaging. Mine is in Chinese because it was sent directly from China. International version should come in English language. Roidmi 2S build quality is top notch as expected from high-quality stainless steel and polycarbonate V0 material. The stylish matte black housing has smooth touch and easily matches to your car interior. There is white colour version too. You can find 2 USB charging ports and microphone with metal ring in the front of Roidmi 2S. Once plugged into the socket, LED light will start flashing. Solid light when Bluetooth connection is established with mobile devices. By the way, the LED colour can be changed to suit your taste with application (red, green, blue and cyan to choose). And it surely helps to find the charger easier at night.

  • Input parameter: 12-24V
  • Output parameter: 5V 2.4A,3.8A
  • Output power: 20W
  • Output port: Double USB port
  • Bluetooth version: Bluetooth 4.2 or later version
  • FM frequency: 87.5-108MHz

Performance Result
Yeah… Maximum charging rate is what I get from Roidmi 2S thanks to high-quality DC/DC master control chip designed by AnaNaviTek. Yup, that's the result that I get while charging both Onda V820w tablet and iPad 3. Same apply to all my other mobile devices including Windows, Android and iOS. In addition, it has lot protections to prevent over temperature, short circuit and overcurrent output.

Once plugged in, you can start to use Roidmi 2S to stream your favourite music from mobile devices to your car's stereo directly. No need to install any application from Play Store or App Store. However, you can further enhance user experience and enjoy even more features and function with Roidmi application. Yup, don't limit yourself to songs at USB flash drive only. And enjoy all the music library from your smartphone and tablet locally or through Internet network stations too. And the Shake a Shake function to change song is very convenient. For your information, Roidmi 2S is powered by FM chip QN8007 from American Quintic which greatly enhance the clarity of sound, provide crystal clear music and voices. In addition, it will scan for the best idle radio station through the application to ensure the rate of FM near-field fidelity.

Navigation broadcasting is another plus from Roidmi 2S. Don't limit yourself from the speaker from your smartphone and missed out the route. Enjoy louder and clearer navigation guidance through car's stereo. Checking car battery voltage is one of the features that I love. Yes, never run out of battery juice with Roidmi 2S again. It will check your car battery voltage through the application automatically. And will alert you when the voltage is below normal level. Never miss your work or any important stuff again with depleted battery, right?

Hands-free mode is very useful for those receive calls a lot while driving. I can hear others' voice loud and clear through car's stereo. However, people have issue to hear me sometimes as the car charger socket is far from my voice range. Besides this minor problem, Roidmi 2S is not compatible with straight-through type cigarette lighter socket which happened that my Honda City has. Another adapter is required in order to use Roidmi 2S on incompatible vehicles.

  • Fast charging
  • Bluetooth music streaming
  • Car battery voltage monitor
  • Overheating, short circuit & overcurrent protection
  • Excellent build quality
  • Hand-free mode

  • Not compatible with all vehicles (solved with adapter)
  • Average microphone experience

No doubt that Roidmi 2S is one of the best FM Bluetooth smart car charger out there. Provide fast charging for 2 devices simultaneously. Loaded with lot of features, protections and can detect car battery life too. More information can be found at Roidmi Website. And grab yours at Indiegogo with discount now.

from xda-developers

Phone restarts very often

My Phone is getting restarted as soon as start any game or sometimes even when I try to unlock it and it get stuck in restart loop (at galaxy note 4 logo itself) until I plug it into a power source.
Also connecting it to laptop usb does not bring it back to normal and I have to use wall charger to start it completely.

Wanted to know if it is a software issue or hardware. Will getting a new battery would do the trick.

PS. I can not visit AT&T store since I am currently not in States.

from xda-developers

How To Underclock The Intel HD Graphics GPU On Windows? (Teclast X98 Air II)

I came to realize that underclocking the GPU is a potential fix for the tablet freezing-restarting issue which occurs on both Windows and Android for many users.

I easily underclocked the GPU on Android thanks to Mirek's ROM and the freezing problem is gone. Now there is Windows left.

Does anyone know how I can underclock the integrated Intel HD Graphics GPU on Windows?

from xda-developers

Root android 6.0.1

Is there anyone that knows a way to root zte grand x max 2 running marshmallow? Maybe I'm being impatient lol

Sent from my Z988 using Tapatalk

from xda-developers

Transfer watch faces to new phone

i just got a new phone. Downloaded facer and watchmaker and neither have all the watch faces i created on my old phone. Does anyone know how i can find and transfer all my faces from the old phone to the new phone?

from xda-developers

using MOAR on Note 3 with GPS issues

have been using MOAR quite happily and ignoring the GPS issue I have really for almost a year - but really need the GPS currently. sometimes it locks - but when it doesn't it's a real pain. I am on 4.4.2, sac23_Moar_port . I have used various gps tools but none solve the problem.

I didn''t have any gps issues before rooting to MOAR.

I have read about radio versions and numerous other things - but wasn't sure what tact to follow. relatively new to this type of issue.


from xda-developers

Mophie Charge Force - will it charge without Mophie?

So Mophie just announced magnetic wireless charging stations for their battery packs, like these:

Seems cool and all, but my question is - will it charge my S7 without the Mophie case? From what I can tell it uses Qi, so in theory should work.
But i haven't found anything specific on it. Would love to hear peoples thoughts.
Been waiting for a good quality magnetic car vent wireless charger (that I don't have to make myself).

from xda-developers

My phone serious black for help

My reaction was no phone black card brush careless delayed a brush package can also be very strange actually go brush card
I thought that the moment should be fine after boot complete without some unique action on the computer before I even know the sound of a disconnected immediately and then plug does not reflect waited a day and a half I think we should have no power now red but he was not fast enough to lit continuously flashing
I used six hours to charge but still the same red light flashes when the computer can not connect strong brush no green lights blue lights kept flashing red light is only there annoying warning tone
How can I do this problem help me

from xda-developers

Connectivity Issues with multiple roms

I'm pretty tired of my LG G3 which I've owned now for a few months.

I started off on the stock Kitkat it came with. Connectivity with Verizon 4g was fine, but the phone overheated regularly.

Then I updated to Fulmics 5.2, which worked okay, but only gave me slow 3g data.

Next I reverted all the way back to stock 10b, and then tried Xdabebb's Stock 47a. The rom works fine, but 4g connectivity is ****! I get constant blinking triangles (roaming) even though roaming is turned off. Worse yet, I don't get phone calls or texts half the time, and it constantly loses data connection. I got a new sim card, which works fine in my Nexus 6, but fails to be consistent in my LG G3.

Here's my questions:

1. Is there a fix with XDAbebb's 47a? Should I reflash the 35b bootstack?

2. If XDAbebb's 47a is the problem, is there a ROM that people have had good Verizon experience on?

3. Or should I just sell my LG G3 and move onto another phone or go back to my nexus 6 (which I like but it's so huge!)

I don't want to waste a lot of more time on this.

from xda-developers
I'm working on Making some Car Gauges for my device.

All built from scratch... Check it out so far...

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version Name: Screenshot_20160531-215659.png Views: N/A Size: 21.1 KB ID: 3768482  

from xda-developers

[Guide][tut] [MM] Clock and Date mods (align,font and more)

Hello guys

Today i would like to present one tut regarding the clock and date mods for MM

For LP click here

Mod contains:-
  • Clock styles
    • Right
    • Center
    • Left
    • Hide
  • AM/PM style
    • Normal
    • Small
    • Hidden
  • Date
    • None
    • Small
    • Normal
  • Date style
    • Nornmal
    • Upper case
    • Lower case
  • Date position
    • Left to clock
    • Right to Clock
  • Date format
    • dd/MM/yy
    • MM/dd/yy
    • yyyy-MM-dd
    • yyyy-dd-MM
    • dd-MM-yyyy
    • MM-dd-yyyy
    • MMM dd
    • MMM dd, yyyy
    • MMMM dd, yyyy
    • EEE
    • EEE dd
    • EEE dd/MM
    • EEE MM/dd
    • EEE dd MMM
    • EEE MMM dd
    • EEE MMMM dd
    • EEEE dd/MM
    • EEEE MM/dd
    • Custom date format
  • Custom Clock Color
  • Font
    • Normal
    • Italic
    • Bold
    • Bold Italic
    • Light
    • Light Italic
    • Thin
    • Thin Italic
    • Condensed
    • Condensed Italic
    • Condensed Light
    • Condensed Light Italic
    • Condensed Bold
    • Condensed Bold Italic
    • Medium
    • Medium Italic
    • Black
    • Black Italic
    • DancingScript
    • DancingScript Bold
    • ComingSoon
    • NotoSerif Normal
    • NotoSerif Italic
    • NotoSerif Bold
    • NotoSerif Bold Italic
  • Font size (from 3 to 24 dpi)

  • Apktool
  • Deodexed systemui.apk and settings.apk
  • thinking and patience users/moders :p

Don't Forget to add credits if you used my work

from xda-developers

Full gamepad support

It would be a cool feature if the right anolog stick for a gamepad would work on Remix with all gamepad supported games, it seems at the moment the only ones I can get to work well with both anologs is neon shadow and reckless racing, but when I try games like RC simulator and shadow gun only the left stick works and most other buttons, haven't tried any more but they maybe a few more that work, but just wondering why it doesn't register in some but does in others, hopefully it's just a simple fix, but anyways would be very cool and great addition for what seems to be a very capable gaming OS, if anyone knows any workarounds would be very appreciated :)

Thanks in advance

from xda-developers

how do I get rid of the Lookout app?

I've taken the steps to remove it but it's still there and it's always scanning all my apps and notifying me that they're all safe like I care.

from xda-developers

[Request]Can someone upload Odin files for Nexus 10?

I've been in a Google bootloop for ages now, I've tried every toolkit and every flash-all.bat. Updates my drivers, used more than 4 different USB cables, more than 3 different computers and more than 5 stock images, sat at "formatting /data..." for more than 12 hours. None have saved my Nexus 10 from bootlooping. Flashing any recovery doesn't have any effect, the recovery seems to be stuck at LMY48X.

My only option left is using Odin, although I cant find any information on using Odin with the nexus 10.
Can anyone upload the AP and or PIT files for me?

Help me Odin you're my only hope.

from xda-developers

Is my bootloader locked? and is there a way to tell?

is my bootloader locked?
i just bought a Galaxy Note 3 sim unlocked at&t 4.4.2 sm-n900a
""""""(this question is the most important to me even if my initial question gets answered) is there a way to check like through a app or adb or something like that to see if the bootloader is lock or not?"""""
i already rooted it and want to know for sure before i throw on Safestrap so i don't brick my new phone.
i want to flash a rom.

from xda-developers

Did you know that you can set multiple images as lockscreen wallpapers?

New to posting, but I just found out that I can set multiple photos for wallpapers for the lockscreen.

Settings/display and wallpapers/ wallpapers/click top left for lockscreen/select which ones you want in gallery. They fade in and out.

Just thought this was a pretty cool feature.
Thanks for looking and enjoy. :)

from xda-developers

Do I have a faulty phone?

Hey guys

Recently purchased a Asus Zenfone 2 (ASUS_Z00AD). This is the 64GB ROM and 4GB Ram model.

I'm trying to find out if I have a faulty device. This phone takes very long to charge and also when charging over USB3 on a computer, the battery percentage will go down even whilst charging, if I am doing something like playing a game or watching YouTube. This has never happened to any of my phones whilst charging over USB3.

Is there anyone else experiencing these issues? Is it normal for this phone? Or do I have a faulty unit?

Thanks for any help.

from xda-developers

Noob help with custom rom setup

Evening Everyone,
I am attempting to roll my own android version from this base and following instructions from this guide. I did the instructions from the base and installed the stock version just fine. I run linux at home and I didn't need to unpack the system.img.ext4 file, just mounted it and was able to edit. There wasn't a system/apps folder in the image, but there was app/ and it looked like that was where the core apks were stored.

I removed samsung junk, unmounted the image, zipped it back up with all the other files that came with the original zip from the link. When I go to install (TWRP) I get the error:: could not find 'meta-inf/com/google/android/update-binary' in the zip file :: but when I open the zip file it is definitely there. Is there a config file I need to edit also?

Trying to remove the bloatware on my own and will add my own prefered apps once I can get this down. I haven't decided if I want to also remove the google apps and only install a very light weight version. Eventually I might try rom editing, but not sure how deep I want to go down the rabbit hole. Trying to install Marshmallow on sprint galaxy s5. TWRP version is 3.0.2-1

Any help to get me started is greatly appreciated!!

from xda-developers

lundi 30 mai 2016

SD Card error after rooting!

I own an H818P which came with MM 6.0 installed, I downgraded it to 5.1 and then rooted it. The root process is successful but my SD Card has stopped working on this phone. When I insert the card, it shows that "SD Card is blank or has unsupported file system" but the card is working fine on my PC or other phones.

from xda-developers

without mobile operating systems to access the wifi or any other option ?

Can you please help us otherwise give a idea about the without mobile operating systems to access the wifi or any other option ?

from xda-developers

.backup into zip ( android backup into CMW ) - help

hello , i have HTC 816G (d816h) dual sim.
i made a backup with original recovery , giving me a " .backup " file. trying to recover this file with CWM failed ( didnt read it ) .
after googling the issue i found that i need to convert this .backup file into .zip format to allow CWM to flash it back to my phone.

im totally stuck at bootloop from MIUI7 - i do need my phone it's off for 2 weeks now:rolleyes:
any help ?

from xda-developers

Custom roms for intex cloud zest

I want to know if there are any custom ROMs for my Intex cloud zest.

from xda-developers

.backup into zip ( android backup into CWM backup )

hello , i have HTC 816G (d816h) dual sim.
i made a backup with original recovery , giving me a " .backup " file. trying to recover this file with CWM failed ( didnt read it ) .
after googling the issue i found that i need to convert this .backup file into .zip format to allow CWM to flash it back to my phone.

any help ?

from xda-developers

Kernel Compiling Bluetooth error


I'm trying to modify and build a new kernel for Samsung S4.

But when I make, I ran into some problems:



drivers/bluetooth/btusb.c: In function '__check_ignore_dga':
drivers/bluetooth/btusb.c:1231:1: warning: return from incompatible pointer type [enabled by default]
error, forbidden warning: btusb.c:1231
scripts/ recipe for target 'drivers/bluetooth/btusb.o' failed
make[2]: *** [drivers/bluetooth/btusb.o] Error 1
scripts/ recipe for target 'drivers/bluetooth' failed
make[1]: *** [drivers/bluetooth] Error 2
Makefile:973: recipe for target 'drivers' failed
make: *** [drivers] Error 2

I have google the problem for a couple hours,
but can't find any solution yet.

What do I need to do to fix this?

Thanks a lot.

from xda-developers

Converting UK Unlocked to US Unlocked w/ Radio Bands (Question)

Hi folks,

So I've been reading around a bit about this phone, and I haven't been able to find a definitive answer on this, but is it possible to convert my UK unlocked HTC 10 to an US unlocked HTC 10 while also gaining the missing US wireless bands that I'm currently missing and still obtain normal updates?

I don't mind paying for S-Off or tinkering around with root. I also don't mind losing root if it means I can still obtain updates.

Sorry if this has been answered before, but I can't seen to find the answer through digging the forum.


from xda-developers

M8 S802 Lollipop Rom?

I have the M8 OTT Tv box with the s802 amlogic chip (the square box with blue triangle led on the front). Been looking around trying to find the lollipop rom but no luck. Does anyone have it? Currently running megaton v3 I believe on it. It works great but I was hoping to upgrade to android 5.0. Any help would be appreciated.

from xda-developers

Anyway to add NFC?

I don't know why any phone wouldn't come with NFC in 2016, but LG didn't include it in the GSM version of the LG g Stylo /2, and I love NFC. I know there's ways to add wireless charging, and I read old post back in 2012 on the forums about sims or sd cards, but nothing more recent, nothing available to purchase(I assume because most phones added NFC).

from xda-developers

Why my HTC One M7 running stock, locked, s-off, not rooted very HOT!??

I wish someone can help me with my phone getting hot pretty fast after a minute of using it. :(
I'm not installing/running any intensive apps or games just a few messenger & social apps people normally use.
Its really-really hot especially when i make video call, I mean I can't hold it with bare hand :eek:

Never touch the recovery, bootloader or ROM, as you can see its at original factory state (i think):
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 1.61.0000
(bootloader) version-baseband: 4T.35.3218.16
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main: 7.19.401.51
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
(bootloader) meid: 00000000000000
(bootloader) product: m7_ul
(bootloader) platform: HBOOT-8064
(bootloader) modelid: PN0710000
(bootloader) cidnum: HTC__J15
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4109mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: on
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
(bootloader) commitno-bootloader: dirty-0e2a13e5
(bootloader) hbootpreupdate: 11
(bootloader) gencheckpt: 0

Is there anything wrong with my M7...??? Please Help :confused:

from xda-developers

how do i disable this firmware update nag window in Settings?

hi guys,

first of all, i am rooted. and i have googled for so many solutions to completely remove "Software Update" from the settings

NOTE: I have disabled to get updates automatically before this pops up. it came after a few days. :S

i have tried:

- removing
- removing the fota agent apk
- disabling software update via package disabler

yet i still see this nag window?

any solution from you guys would be great!

appreciate it

right now im considering to re-wipe it and then before it receives an OTA, i will delete the otacerts as well as remove the fota agent first.

here is a screenshot:

Attachment 3767592

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version Name: Screenshot_20160531-125653.png Views: N/A Size: 119.4 KB ID: 3767592  

from xda-developers

Need help from someone still on lollipop TMO V10.

Can you copy the file /cust/OPEN_COM_DS/custom_OPEN_HK.prop and paste it here.

**Note** the DS in the path may be something different as well as the HK.prop.

from xda-developers

Zte grand x max 2

Any root method for cricket zte grand x max 2?

Sent from my Z988 using Tapatalk

from xda-developers

[Help] Problem installing Tex plugin in GLTools

Hey folks,

I'm trying to run some games using GLTools... But everything goes FC i saw a thread that says GLTools requires CF3D's Plugins to run
I've tried every method i've seen but i can't see the Tex Plugin everytime i re-install GLTools it just shows Default/None...

I desperately wanted to use this tool if you can give me a clear guide with the exact version of the GLTools i need i will means alot to me

from xda-developers

How to extract KDZ Firmware??

Hello everyone!
How to unpack LG G4 KDZ firmware IMG file?
or tools? thx!! :)

from xda-developers

Standby battery drain

Hopefully, this is the right thread. So what is the standby battery all of you are getting on the phone. My phone was at 90% at 12.30 am. Put the phone on battery save mode and went to sleep. Wake up at 7 am and the battery drain is down to 67%. I am just clueless how this is possible? Is it normal in Android? I remember on iOS, the battery would go down just 1% - 2% the entire night. Also new notifications were installed and nor were any updates happening in the background (not that i am aware of any).

This is a serious concern for me? If its normal then i might take it to Samsung. The phone is not even a week old.

from xda-developers

Need help ASAP please. Stuck on Downloading screen Do not turn of target and Security

I need help I don't know know what happened to the phone and I don't know how to fix its stuck at Downloading Do not turn of target screen please help. And it also says security issue. Proof

from xda-developers

TWRP bootloops

I've seen this problem mentioned in a few threads but not seen any definitive fix.

My current install :

Stock NPD35K system, vendor, bootloader
Xceede's v8.01 kernel
TWRP 3.02 v6.0
Encrypted data partition

I currently get bootloops every time I boot into TWRP. After using TWRP and attempting to reboot it will then bootloop into recovery refusing to boot the system.

I have found it can be fixed by rebooting into fastboot and the "fastboot reboot" command. But this is frustrating if I don't have a laptop handy.

This happens every time I need to boot into recovery to install or update via TWRP. Is anyone else getting the same bootloops and has anyone found a permanent fix?

Thanks guys.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

from xda-developers

Can i connect android to android?

If i splice 2 android cables to connect 2 androids together. What would the pros & cons be, if any? I have a ZTE Prestige (Not Rooted) & Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime (Rooted & Soft Bricked). I am curious to it I can fix the soft bricked one by doing this, or copy the programming over.

from xda-developers

Has anyone been experiencing burn in screen issue?

I am thinking to get htc 10 or gs7 edge, but I've heard that gs series has screen burn in issue.

I am a quiet heavy user, watch youtube and browse internet alot.

If there is anyone who is experiencing the issue, please share me. Thank you.

Sent from my C6906 using Tapatalk

from xda-developers

Has anyone experienced burned in (out) screen?

I am considering buying either htc 10 or Galaxy s7 edge, but I've heared a lot about the issue of burn in screen.

Does it happen easily?

I'm a kind of heavy user watch youtube and browse internet alot.

If anyone has experienced the issue, share me please.

Sent from my C6906 using Tapatalk

from xda-developers

problems with samsung pay after marshmallow update

So I have the s6 edge, and ever since I updated to marshmallow I've never been able to pay with samsung pay, the only difference I had was the update, it used to work before but now it doesn't. I don't rememeber what the error is because I forgot to take a screen shot, but has anyone else had issues with it and if they did, how did you all fix it?

from xda-developers

Fire TV 1 - Increase System Partition?

Is it possible to increase the system partition of Fire TV 1 (v5.0.5) ?
My Fire TV is rooted, i already installed BusyBox, Xposed, HDXposed, GAPPS pico (no space avaliable to nano), and i saw that my system space is almost full now, just few mb available..

from xda-developers

Where in europe can I find the Redmi 3 pro GLOBAL model?

I been checking with vendors and none would clarify if they carry the global model or not. I need that one because its the only one with band 4 aws

Anyone knows?

from xda-developers

Band 4 aws on the Mi5, is it possible?

Can it be unlocked? and not just that but would it get any reception or the design of the Mi5 antenna would make it useless under real-life use?

from xda-developers

kitkat charging while power off

guys I always charge my tablet while powered I powered it off and plugged in to the showed me the green battery that charges.I woke up after 4 hours and it didn't charge at all!
what is going on?

Στάλθηκε από το XT1562 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

from xda-developers

G2 Mini heat Issue !

Hi all fellow XDAians !

I am recently very much unhappy about my g2 mini ! It gets overly heated every now and then ! Mostly when I am charging it.
I have rooted my g2 mini. At first there was no problem but recently, I am facing this.

Now is this a hardware failure ??
I am using official charger.

Thank you !

from xda-developers

Dead after software update

There was a software update notification on my device I downloaded it and it says rebooting. And then everything just blanked no screen nothing...... Don't know what to do now any idea ?

Sent from my Nexus 5X using XDA-Developers mobile app

from xda-developers

Can't get any version of CM to load

I am unlocked (it yells at me every time I power on...)

Flashed twrp-, everything went fine

But after flashing any version of CM it either doesn't get past the unlocked bootloader warning (when I use cm-10.1.3-xt907 cm-11-20140104-SNAPSHOT-M2-xt907 or cm-10.2-20131102-SNAPSHOT-M1-xt907)

or it just shows the CM face with the white circle growing out over and over (if I use cm-12.1-20160523-NIGHTLY-xt907 or cm-12.1-20160530-NIGHTLY-xt907)

I've done the factory wipe a dozen times, even tried formatting at the partitions before installing. Wiping cache/davlik...nothing seems to help. Any advice?

from xda-developers


This is for the verizon Note Edge.

I can't post in our forum but I had problems getting root. Kingo root works but I had to wipe my phone to root it before and after getting developer mode.

These are the steps I used:
  1. Wipe data in stock recovery (Vol Up, Home, Power button).
  2. Remove SIM card.
  3. Restart phone.
  4. Setup phone over WiFi.
  5. Run Kingo Root.
  6. Achieve Developer mode.
  7. Repeat steps 1-5.
  8. Flash the TWRP 3.0 file by mickey387 (I think was his name) and install supersu to gain permanent root.

I couldn't get my phone to show up in Odin and adb/fastboot would restart the phone in recovery but never loaded twrp after numerous tries at both. I had taken the 03/01/2016 Android Security Patch which I'm sure is probably why kingroot wouldn't work. I'm not sure why Odin and adb/fast wouldn't load twrp until after I was rooted again in Developer mode by the Kingo root app even though the kingo root app uses adb too.

from xda-developers

[Q] Need a custom Kernel for Lollipop

Is there a custom kernel for 5.1.1 Miui based ROM?

from xda-developers

[RESTORE] LG G5 H830 Stock Rooted TWRP Restore

This is a TWRP Backup of the stock rooted system.
*Warning this restore method has not been tested on other LG G5 H830 devices. Restore at your own risk.
Install Directions:
1. Download the folder and it's contents.
2. Place folder and contents into TWRP Backup Folder
3. When booted in recovery TWRP Make sure System is not in Read-Only Mode. To change this in TWRP go to "Mount" and ensure the Mount system partition read-only box is not checked. If it is checked simply uncheck the box and go back to the main menu.
4. Click restore and navigate to the downloaded TWRP backup.
5. Swipe to restore back to stock rooted.

*Note this restore will skip the initial setup process so you will have to add your google account Wi-Fi Networks without a guide*

Download Via Dropbox

from xda-developers

How To Reset Password On Galaxy S5 When Locked Out

It's easy to forget the password on your Galaxy S5. Many solutions require a hard factory reset to reset the password, which would delete all the files on the smartphone. Here is an easy way to reset the password without losing any data.

Workable with other Samsung Galaxy Phones:
Galaxy Note3, Galaxy Note4, Galaxy Note Edge, Galaxy Note5, Galaxy Note II;
Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4, Galaxy S4 Active, Galaxy S4 Mini, Galaxy S4 LET-A, Galaxy S5 Duos

from xda-developers

DT Ignite - Bandwidth Vacuum

So, a friend came over with a Verizon phone yesterday, and stayed the night. Today, I was sent a letter from my ISP saying that I used over 100Gigs in two days!!! I only have a 150Gig limit for the month (welcome to Alaska.)

Here is a screenshot of her Android phone's Wi-Fi usage.

Attachment 3767576

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version Name: 2016-05-30.png Views: N/A Size: 30.2 KB ID: 3767576  

from xda-developers

Bugs I've found with 6.0.1 tmo s5

I updated to 6.0.1 a few days ago. Phone is completely stock. No root, no mods, etc. All stock. Please post yours as well.

GPS does not talk to Google maps when screen is off. Gmaps is up to date.

Notification quick settings do not preserve user choice after restart. They reset to default. How was this missed in testing?

Auto brightness is far darker than previous version and too dark for use indoors. It's fine in direct sunlight but it was better before

Do any of these have fixes in the settings or are these just broken?

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

from xda-developers

MM locking with password "randomly"

so with the update to MM I'm finally able to use the fingerprint unlock with a case, but either I missed something or it's still somewhat annoying to use. after booting up I need to enter a password, which I'm okay with, however after using my device for a bit and letting it go to lock there are times where I need to re-enter my password instead of the fingerprint and this is without rebooting. is this normal?

EDIT: so I came across a few places that mention the use of Nova Launcher or 3rd party lockscreen apps... I don't have any of the latter, but I do have Nova Launcher except I'm not using that to lock my screen. am I missing something here?

from xda-developers

XDA is missing the Samsung Galaxy Tab A, 7.0, 8.0 and 9.7

Was planning on purchasing the Samsung Galaxy Tab A 8.0 tablet from either Swappa or T-Mobile. I wanted to research the rooting process and such before committing to the sale.

I've searched high and low and everywhere in between, there doesn't seem to be a forum for this device. The site also seems to be missing the Galaxy Tab E as well. I found the Tab , Tab 2, Tab 3, Tab 4, Pro, S, and S2.


from xda-developers

[Help] how to root SM-j320Y Galaxy J3 2016

Can anyone help me with this Variant of J3? (SM-J320Y)
I can't find any tutorial how to root this Phone with SUpersu.
I used to root this with Kingroot but it gets unroot when restarted.
Thank you so much.

from xda-developers

[Q] How to disable lock screen weather

Hello all, I have a frustrating issue. I cannot seem to purge the weather widget from my lock screen. It's some sort of widget that auto-rotates the screen to portrait and provides a slide-out tab that displays my local weather (screenshot attached is with the tab slid out). It only started appearing recently (never had this happen before), however I don't know what triggered it. There are no lock screen system settings that allow me to enable or disable anything but the clock. I have removed every weather app from my device (even the stock app). I even froze TouchWiz (I use ADW instead) thinking that might have caused it. No dice.

So what app/widget is this and how do I get rid of it? Thanks in advance.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 10.1
Android 5.0.2 rooted

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version Name: Screenshot_2016-05-29-22-01-51.jpg Views: N/A Size: 59.5 KB ID: 3767569  

from xda-developers

Prem Hotspot on PD2?

So I've figured a way to get the hotspot working on update pd2. Only thing is if i profile update it goes away, not much of a concern because i never profile update but i would like to have the choice to profile update and not worry about losing hotspot and then going through that progress to get it back. Does anyone know how to keep hotspot even after a profile update? Thanks much appreciated.

Sent from my SM-N920P using XDA-Developers mobile app

from xda-developers

Volume Rocker, Camera Button, and "Vibrate on Touch" setting all stopped working Z5P

I noticed while I was at work today that all 3 of these things stopped working at approximately the same time after they were all working earlier today. The volume rocker will not adjust the volume and also will not work as the zoom button when the camera app is opened. The only way for me to adjust the volume (ring, media, or alarm) is to go into the volume settings which is a major pain in the ass. The camera button will not open the camera app and also will not take pictures. When the button is pushed with the camera app open nothing happens. I was taking pictures earlier in the day and everything worked fine. Lastly I noticed that the vibration feedback on the screen stopped. I tried turning the Vibrate on Touch setting on and off but nothing, and I also restarted the phone but nothing.
Anyone else experience any of these issues?

from xda-developers

ATT S4 boot problems

wassup guys i recently joined because my s4 took a dump. I need help reinstalling the original OS for my s4 because its stuck on the boot. ive done research but theres wayyy to much things going on to mod this download that and its leading me nowhere. I just want my phone to work properly again, with 4.4.2 or the newest version there is. :confused:

from xda-developers

Is there a 6.0 kdz file for d85521a

is there android 6.0 kdz file for d85521a???

from xda-developers

[App][Samsung 5.0+] Mobile Karaoke - Sing & Record in realtime with low latency

Hi everybody. Music really do bring people together, right ?
We love karaoke very much and so do our friends.
But have you ever tried to sing karaoke in android ? If you do, you would probably wonder that where is your voice in there?
Most of karaoke apps in android right now don't allow user to sing karaoke in realtime which means your voice will come out of the headphone together with the music. User can only hear their voice after finish recording.
So let me introcude you the application "Mobile Karaoke". This application finally made karaoke in android become the real thing. It let you sing karaoke in real-time with low latency and record your performance. You can use the micro of your phone to sing, no need to buy a separate micro. Try it and you will never regret it. You gonna love it.
This application is available for new-released Samsung smartphone and tablet only, read the full description in Google Play or Galaxy Apps
Please search with the keyword "Mobile Karaoke", icon is the micro and three music notes on the red background.
Thank you and have a great time!

from xda-developers

Can't Boot into OS, Have Fastboot

Messed up somewhere in the process of rooting and am in dire need of help. I can access Fastboot and looked around and it seems like I can get out of this through the stock rom Zip or image but I cannot find the stock rom anywhere. ATT version. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

from xda-developers

Kingroot fails on 5.1.2

I says it pretty clearly in the menu, that my kindle fire is on Version 5.1.2
However Kingroot fails at 29%.
Are there any other root options?

Many thanks!

from xda-developers

Convert VZW M8 to developer edition?

Wondering if there's a way to convert a VZW m8 (s-offed) to developer edition with an RUU and use it on T Mobile?

Sent from my Nexus 9 using XDA-Developers mobile app

from xda-developers

LGL24 firmware needed.

Pls a need lgl24 stock firmware like LGL24AT-01-V10a-440-50-JUN-19-2014+0.tot or any up to V10d ASAP, all the links i found online are dead, thanks in advance.

from xda-developers

Cannot turn on after flashing, cannot fully access download mode

My note 10.1 (2014) SM-P605 have some issues after update to 5.1.1, cannot turn on wifi and battery drain 95% without using in a day.
The battery drain 90% in a day without turning on too.

So I thought rolling back to 4.4.2 but it cannot finish the process and my tablet cannot turn on since then.

Tried power + volume down + home, no response at all.
However, when plug into the PC, the download mode appear and flickering very fast and stated "Firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies and try again."

When connect to kies, firmware upgrade and initialisation, halfway downloading and stated "failed to upgrade firmware due to unexpected error. Do you want to run firmware emergency recovery now?"
I cannot find the recovery code in tools and unable to proceed further.

Had tried ODIN, download 3 different firmware (5.1.1) from my country and my model in Sammobile and failed too.
Had tired changing 4 USB cables, 3 PC and all same result.....

I just want to go back to 5.1.1 and turn on my tablet as for now:(

Thanks all!

from xda-developers

Navigation bar not transparent

Hey guys,

After applying any wallpaper, the navigation bar is getting solid in Nova Launcher. I reinstalled the launcher and everything was working fine and the navigation bar was transparent, however it has gone back to being solid. I also tried reapplying the wallpaper but to no avail. Any solution? I'm on unrooted stock ROM.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA-Developers mobile app

from xda-developers

Help with rooting (or something) gone wrong on Samsung GT-N5120

My neighbors (11-year old) son apparently tried to root their Samsung GT-N5120 with something called King Root(??). I don't know more than that and they asked me to fix it cause (you know computers) -.-.
The problem is that it's stuck in boot loop. It boots up and it shows the screen and all but it doesn't happen anything and then it reboots. Now what i've tried is to start it in recovery mode (Volume Up + menu button + power button) and i've tried to do a factory reset but it didn't work. From what i've read i think he has overwritten those files that the factory reset needs. So what can I do? It doesn't seem to be bricked since it starts and I can start it in both recovery mode and download mode. My computer reacts when I plug it in and tries to install drivers and so forth (but it won't show up on My Computer). So something probably can be done I just don't know what to do. Any ideas?

from xda-developers

android system bin battery charging file to reboot system while chargingINPOWEROFf

My power as well as volume buttons arent working due to some hardware isuues.
Iwant to change the system file such that ....If my phone is in switched off state and i PLUG IN CHARGER it reboots automatically....

I seached google and i got something that
.... changing system bin directory charging file,can be a solution..
I searched my phones.and went to.
...... Device>system>bin>kpoc_charger file with root explorer.
...but I DONT KNOW how to edit this file so that my sytem reboots from power off state when i plugin the charger...


from xda-developers

[Request] Material design wallpaper

Hello guys
I'm looking for wallpaper from attachment. UrAVgConsumer shared this one in his video, but he didn't post a link for wallpaper.
Please help me.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version Name: Zrzut ekranu 2016-05-30 o 09.06.14.jpg Views: N/A Size: 31.9 KB ID: 3766604  

from xda-developers

Miui Theme app - Offline Fonts - Path?

I have a question about Miui Theme/Fonts
When I go to Fonts, then Offline Fonts, I see all the fonts I've already dowloaded to the phone.
I was wondering where these fonts are stored in the device?
I would like to extract one of them to my computer
does anyone knows?


from xda-developers

[5.1.1][MT6582][UNOFFICIAL] AICP 10.0 For Micromax Canvas Spark Q380


 * Your warranty is now void.
 * I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
 * thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
 * do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
 * before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
 * you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.

What is AOSP?
AOSP is Android as Google publish without other modifications. More or less AOSP is the Nexus devices stock rom
Special thanks to, the CM team,OMNI team ,SLIMROMS and of course to all the supporters

Dual sim
Video recording
Audio working
Themes working.
Camera working
Video playback
Default storage is Internal
Ad blocker
CM12.1 features
Gesture Anywhere
Show CPU Info
App Circle Bar
CM Theme Engine
Notification FC Disabler
LCD Changer (persistent)
Recents Panel Settings
Network Traffic on statusbar
Boot animation changer
Slim's Heads Up, with the ability to disable QS Tiles
More explore yourself......

Offline Charging (No animation during charging when phone is switched off)

Flashing Procedure:
Reboot into recovery
Select "Wipe" and then select "Advanced wipe"
Tick cache,dalvnik cache,data,system
Then go back and select "Format Data"
Type "Yes" and swipe
Then go back and select "Install"
Select the and swipe
Reboot and enjoy!!!!

Rom:Click here
GAPPS:Click here
(Select 5.1.1,Arm,Pico)

XDA: DevDB Information
AICP 10 Cm 12.1 Based Rom For Canvas Spark Q380, ROM for the Micromax Canvas Spark Q380

@Saurabhcr7 for porting
@dee3000 (A legend) @Besik_13
@vasili82 for fixing proximity sensor
@Roma193 for fixing GPS
@hesham for youtube fix
CyanogenMod Team
Omni Team
Slim Rom

Source Code:

Rom OS Version:5.1.1 Lollipop
Rom Kernel:3.10.54 Stock

Version Information:

Last Updated:2016-05-30

from xda-developers

Forget Wi-Fi

Well I'm going to try to explain myself. I had my phone rooted and everything was working fine. I don't know what happened that the root stop working. Someone in the thread of cfauto root post the solution that worked for me. Installing twrp and installing the new boot.img that the user upload. The phone works well but I have the troubles with the Wi-Fi. Everytime I restart the phone the phone forget my Wi-Fi network. Anybody having the same trouble and can help me to fix it?

from xda-developers

Battery Drain after May OTA Update

I have two Infinix Hot2 (mine and my mom's), both of us did the OTA update that was released this month, and since then, we've been experiencing high battery drain (battery usage shows a very high Wi-Fi usage. Any thoughts on how to mitigate this?

from xda-developers

dimanche 29 mai 2016

[GAME][4.0+] Maths Puzzle - simple, fun and addictive

Hi guys,
I had created this game to improve my calculation skills and now want to share with all of you guys.
You have to arrange numbers in proper order to satisfy the equation.
382 Easy Puzzles
300 Medium Puzzles
259 Hard Puzzles

Problem selectionGameplay

Get the puzzle at Google Playstore

from xda-developers

micromax androidone unable to mount system data cache

Micromax androidone unable to mount system,data,cache .it has twrp 2.8.00 ,no os installed ,when I try to flash it through twrp it says unable to mount system ,data and cache .my backed up data isn't restoring too.m y PC isn't detecting it.Please solve my problem

from xda-developers

Moto G 2015 vs Turbo. Which should i get?

Hi. I have the opportunity to buy a new phone, and the 2 options are the Moto G 2015 for $2800 MXN and the Turbo for $3600 MXN. As you can see, I live in México.

The difference between both is the G has only 1gb RAM while the Turbo is 2gb RAM. Also, Turbo is an Octacore. And also seems to have Turbocharger. Both are 16gb ROM and the Turbo seems to be IP67 while the G is IPx7

What I am trying to realize right know before setting the order is, which one should I get considering I want to use Cyanogenmod on it? It seems there isn't much development for the Turbo. While Osprey is much embraced.

Which device has more compatibility? Which one has more information in general? I don't want to buy one device and then get cut off on a wall.

Also, I am a CE student here in MX and would like to start developing for android in the near future, just punctualizing this even though it is not needed.

Right now I have a Condor, Falcon and Ghost. Thinking of selling one or two after dealing with this dilema.


from xda-developers

9 Strategies To Make Your Acne Natual Skin Care Products Work Wonders
By period you finish reading this content you have, perhaps for your first time, an anti aging skin care review use the printer truly free you up and let you find an anti aging skin care system permits work in order to. Guaranteed. A final guideline You must as help to make your skin care skin care post on the many products on the web is undemanding. But might seem illogical in the beginning. The company also offers customized products under white label. If you might be a salon owner or a supplier, could possibly get specialized products with modified packaging, color and fragrance together label skin care review for them. In order to obtain an unique product label, contact their silk screen split.

from xda-developers

[APP][3.0+] Yiiri - Meet people online

Hey how's it going?

My name is Alex Oczkowski and I've recently released a new Android app called "Yiiri - Meet new people". In short Yiiri is a social app which helps you to find new friends, pen pals, or even meet that special someone based on your hobbies and interests. You can use Yiiri to find new people to socialize with from anywhere around the world and start chatting on your favorite social apps (we currently support WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Skype, Google+ and WeChat).

I'd be very curious to find out what you guys think about this concept and my app, I personally believe Yiiri has great potential!

Also I'm interested to know whether you guys think I should add anymore social networks to the list of apps that Yiiri supports. I'm thinking about adding Line, kik, badoo, telegram and maybe a few others, though I haven't fully decided yet. :)

from xda-developers


Recently I came across a person who was looking for a way to roll back from windows 10 mobile to windows 8 mobile
I said I would help so that is why this is here.
I need to build a version of Windows 8.1 mobile that allows installation on a Win 10 device

XDA:DevDB Information
W10 TO W8.1, ROM for the Microsoft Lumia 950/950 XL

ROM OS Version: Windows 8 Mobile
ROM Kernel: Windows Kernel 1
Based On: stock

Version Information
Status: Testing

Created 2016-05-30
Last Updated 2016-05-30

from xda-developers

Mr. Goodbar

This is my one and only S4 driver everyday phone.

XDA:DevDB Information
Yeah Yeah, ROM for the Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 5

ROM OS Version: 2.3.x Gingerbread

Version Information
Status: Testing

Created 2016-05-30
Last Updated 2016-05-30

from xda-developers

my lenovo bootloader logo missing

I tried to install miui 7 ROM on my a6000 I'm in cm12.1 but accidently I downloaded the 4.4.Android version of miui 7 ROM and after setup it didn't boot up and I installed cm12.1 once again and now the problem is my boot loadr is now showing" mi". Logo. There is any way to change it???????

from xda-developers

Xiaomi Mi 5 - Windows 10 ROM

Dear All,

We need to support this new thread to have "Windows 10" ROM in our Mi 5/Mi 5 Pro devices, so if anyone know any new news or if someone know how to port the ROM then update this thread directly.

Thanks and I appreciate all your efforts.

from xda-developers

huawei e392

can you help me unlock may huawei e392 thanks in advance imei 860999003430388

from xda-developers

Any smart flip case for Moto g4 plus?

Hi is there any automatic screen on and off flip case for Moto g4 plus preferably with a window cut out?

from xda-developers

Moto g turbo WhatsApp group

My aim is to share ideas....... so I wanted to create a WhatsApp group please PM your number with country code.... If a WhatsApp group exist then please add me.... My WhatsApp no. Is +917038199057
If my topic was useful then give me a thumbs up.

Sent from my MotoG3-TE using Tapatalk

from xda-developers

[Q] What use Android on Xperia Z1?

Personal'm already tired of the look of Android 5.1.1 Official and would like to use with modern and stable appearance.
One that works all without bugs!
What advise to use? Preferably with MM appearance!
Thank you all for the attention!

from xda-developers

Got s2 today . need help installing custom rom .

hey every one . i got a t989 today in good condition for decent price as a secondary phone . the phone is running on stock 4.1.2 .
i want to run newer custom rom ( probably c12.1 / cm13 ) . problem is it is my first samsung device to install a custom rom on and i am a bit confused so here what i know so correct me if i am wrong .
1- install odin then flash twrp 2.8.7
2- reboot to recovery so the stock rom won't go back to stock
3- from recovery install the latest version twrp 3.0.2
4- do a full wipe then install rom and gapps .
i downloaded twrp 2.8.7 from the twrp website . the .tar file
for the rom and twrp 3 i will download this one
so am i missing something ? is every thing ready to go ?

from xda-developers

Can't get my m8 to boot anymore

I used to have a custom rom on my phone but I tried to wipe it and im not sure what happened but I don't think there's an OS on there anymore. It gets stuck on the HTC white screen. I am able to access fastboot and I have TWRP recovery installed that I'm able to access, but I believe it's an older version. I tried just downloading another rom and flashing it but it still wont boot. I'm not sure what I need to get it working again.

from xda-developers

Does anyone know that moto g4 plus have pluse led notification ?

Hello guys ... !!! i came to hear that hardware part of led pulse notifier is present in moto g4 plus ... but there is no way to access that in given stock firmware can that be accessable in any other custom ROMs ??

from xda-developers

US unlocked htc 10 usb diagnostic mode to enable more bands

Hi, I had a M8 before and used diagnostic mode which was ##3424# before to unlocked some LTE bands. this time i am trying the same stuff in my new 10 but it never works. any idea on how to do this?

from xda-developers

RootCloak Prime [2016-05-30]

For more information, the original RootCloak thread is here.

This is a module for Xposed Framework. Many thanks to devadvance for his work on RootCloak and RootCloak Plus.

This allows you to run apps that detect root without disabling root. You select from a list of your installed apps (or add a custom entry), and using a variety of methods, it will completely hide root from that app. This includes hiding the su binary, superuser/supersu apks, processes run by root, adb, and more.




Hides root from apps that look for root, without having to disable root/uninstall/etc.
Installation Instructions


  1. Have Xposed Framework installed.
  2. Install RootCloak Prime.
  3. Enable RootCloak Prime in the Xposed app, in the Modules section.
  4. Reboot your phone.
  5. Open RootCloak Prime settings, go to Add/Remove Apps.
  6. If the app you want to hide root from is not in the list, you must then press + to add it.
  7. Exit RootCloak Prime settings. If the app you just added to the list was already running, you need to FORCE CLOSE it for the settings to take effect.
  8. Run the app to see if root was successfully hidden.




Current changelog: 2.0
[new] New Xposed Module
[new] Added hiding of ADB




Q: RootCloak Prime doesn't hide root from app X
A: Make sure you've force closed the app after adding it to the list. If that doesn't work, check to see if your app has already been requested, and then add a new issue.

Huge thanks to devadvance, the original developer of RootCloak and RootCloak Plus.

XDA:DevDB Information
RootCloak Prime, Xposed for all devices (see above for details)

hikaritenchi, devadvance
Source Code:

Xposed Package Name: com.devadvance.rootcloakprime

Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 2.0
Stable Release Date: 2016-05-30

Created 2016-05-30
Last Updated 2016-05-30

from xda-developers