lundi 28 mars 2016

Flashify > all possibilities

hi !

Here on this G4 section i don't have seen "good" discussion about this fabulous tool ...and NEVER devellopers feedbacks.

here on xda on others threads ,many members have said tha this tool is great and innovatibe because he could flash what we want (kernel ,roms...etc...) but without unlock bootloader and no need at all a custom recovery like twrp (original stock woukd be good fot that)

Providing to a LP rooted and bootloader locked ...
I ask myself what happen if we flash Imperium MM ( there are the kernel and the system on the zip file of the develloper )......or a custom rom ???

For the future ,we must hope for this sort of innovative fururist tools (and hack methods) instead of all olds traditionals tools (cwm ,twrp,fastboot....) more and more out-of-date ineffective ,useless with news android version full securised and bootloaders more and more definitively locked ,otherwise it's the begining of the end of root , customs roms&kernels , ports of projects (zip ) ......etc....or we have to recycle old S4 and note ,htc one ,kg g2/g3....

from xda-developers

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