lundi 28 mars 2016

[Q] Posting this from the South Pole - Need some help with Hangouts please!

Hey, everyone. Believe it or not I am posting this from the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. Obviously my phone has no service and we do not have WiFi here since we don't have 24/7 internet and the bandwidth is limited.

What I am trying to do is save every picture I have sent or received in Hangouts without having to go through each thread and open each picture. I assume that there has to be somewhere in the filesystem that the pictures are stored because any photos I have taken and sent in a message are not in my Gallery, nor are photos I have received in my Gallery unless I have opened them and actually saved them. However, all of those still appear in the Hangout thread itself so it has to be somewhere on the phone.

I am rooted and have looked through a bunch of places using File Explorer but with no luck. Any help would be appreciated!


from xda-developers

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