vendredi 29 avril 2016

[ROOT][TWRP][Unlock] Chuwi Hibook by kostyamat


For first - to write my english is bad, bad, very bad... But I understand english ;)
I allowed myself to write a few batch files to help newcomers, as well as other users, under common title "Hibook-Toolbox".

It allows you to:
Unlock the new tablet Bootloader.
Unprotect system partition from changing (remove "Verity Boot").
Install TWRP-recovery ver-, which I have ported to this tablet.
Get the correct ROOT in the right way.
Flash custom firmware (which do not have to wait long, I think so)
And other…. I will add if still need to be.

Attention! Whatever you do, you do it at your own risk!

Download ( (

Unzip the archive to PC, but try not to use special characters or folder names with space in the paths to files. Better way is unzip to a folder in the root of drive C: or D:
Turn on ADB-debugging: "Settings"-"About Tablet" >-> Taps under the item "build number" until the caption appears "you became a developer"-> Return one step back-> enter the item for developers "-> Enable" USB debugging ".
Connect the device to the PC.
Install the Intel driver IntelAndroidDrvSetup1.10.0.exe

1.Unlock_Bootloader.bat - Run first. It will unlock the bootloader. Carefully follow the prescriptions of the script and on the screen of the tablet. ATTENTION! All settings, programs, as well as all data on internal SDCard will be destroyed! Data on external MicroSD and Windows will not suffer. After unlocking the device will reboot in factory recovery, which does not display anything (stupidly black screen with backlight), the process may take up to 10 minutes (I'm shocked, but it's true), then the device will reboot in Android pristine clean.
2.Unlock_Verity-boot.bat - Run second. It will unlocking the System partition to can be changed. Carefully follow the prescriptions of the script and on the screen of the tablet. The device will reboot. Data on external MicroSD and Windows will not suffer. After all unlock actions, be sure to enter the option for developers and turn ON the item "Factory unlock".
3.Outside_boot-TWRP-recovery.bat - (It is optional. For obtain ROOT access). The device will be rebooted into the temporary session of TWRP-recovery, to Internal sdcard will be placed - install it using TWRP. Previously, you can make TWRP backup (recommended!).
4.Flash-TWRP-recovery.bat - (It is optional) TWRP-recovery will be permanently flashed into the Tablet. (Not recommended! Some time firmware will update, TWRP cannot install OTA-update)
5.Flash-ORIGINAL-recovery.bat - (It is optional) Flash back to the original Recovery.
ADB_shell.bat - Just a comfortable CMD-window for ADB-debugging and work with Android Shell.
Flash-Custom_FW.bat – My flasher to flash custom firmware, which I am sure will appear in future.

Useful console commands (ADB_shell.bat):
ADB reboot bootloader - reboot to FastbootDroidboot (flashing) mode
ADB reboot recovery - reboot to TWRP or native Recovery mode.
ADB root – restart ADB-debug service as ROOT.
ADB remount - remounting Android system partition to write (you need root-adb mode see adb root)
ADB shell - run Android-console (ash) through which you can run Linux-scripts, internal system commands, etc.
fastboot boot * *.img – run user-compiled boot.img or recovery.img
fastboot reboot – reboot to system from DroidbootFastboot (flashing) mode.
fastboot flash [boot, recovery, system, data] [boot, recovery, system, data]. img - In DroidbootFastboot mode, It will flash specific image to specific partition, example: fastboot flash system c:\Custom_FW\system.img - will flash only system.img to Android system partition.

PS. Under any circumstances, when using TWRP, never do not wipe system partition! Also make sure the TWRP-settings option "Use rm-R instead of formatting" is ON and never leave it. The fact of the matter is that "Verity Boot" marked System partition itself. Withing format the label disappears - the tablet won't boot to Android! This problem can be solved, but why You would make a problem?

If You like may work, buy me a coffee. Please :|

from xda-developers

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